МБОУ «Прибрежная ООШНовооскольского района Белгородской области»















Урок- дискуссия по теме

Is Reading Important














Выполнила: учитель английскогоязыка

                  МБОУ «Прибрежная ООШ»

Кравченко В. И.















П. Прибрежный


Цели: Знакомство учащихся смнениями британских подростков по поводу чтения.

           Совершенствование навыков общения наиностранном языке, развитие способностей к сравнению и сопоставлению, косуществлению репродуктивных и продуктивных речевых действий.

           Привитие любви к чтению.

           Совершенствование речевых умений.

Задачи: Учить учащихсявысказывать мнения по поводу чтения, высказывать мнения о чтении и о книгах.

Речевой материал: Лексика играмматика предыдущих уроков.

Пособия: портреты Пушкина,Есенина, Шекспира, любимые книги учащихся.


 I    Начало урока. Приветствие.

 II   Дискуссия  “Isreading important”

1. Аудирование с целью пониманияосновного содержания.

 T.. Have a look, I havea letter from Britain.It is from Hazel Grove High School.It was written          by one of thestudents of this school John Wilkin. Hazel Grove High School has a discussion club. The members of  this club have discussed the problem “Isreading important?” So John invite us  tocontinue discussion in our school. Shall I read this letter? Well, he writesfollowing: “Dear Friends! There more than 1000 personal interests and ways tospend one’s free time. The most popular hobbies are stamp –collecting, badges,coins and books. Books… I think that we can ‘t live without them. I considerthat books are with us during all our life. When I was a child

my parents read them to me. Later I could  read myself. I like to read books aboutanimals, nature. When I was older I prefer to read books about travels. Itraveled with the heroes of the stories. Now I like to read books on science.You can learn many things from books. I’m sure that books play a very importantrole in my life. My mother says that books help us in self-education. I thinkthat books can help us to solve some problems of life. Books must be ourfriends during all our life. They increase your knowledge and broaden youroutlook. Not so long ago the members of our discussion’s club discussed theproblem is reading important or not. I suppose you like to read too. Please Iwant you to say your point of view if reading important or not.”

                                                                                      Your John Wilkin”.


T.      If you agree to take part in thisdiscussion so let’s open the discussion’s club in our school and try to solvethis problem. Well, as for me I would answer positive. I like to read verymuch. It’s my hobby. It seems to me reading is important because it is theperfect way to spend free time, relax. Books can tell us about ancient times,teenager’s problems and about many other interesting things. Books help toeducate, solve problems, expand outlook. They give us much information. As forme, when I read I forget about everything, I live with the heroes of book. LookI’ve brought  today my favorite book“Gone with the Wind” by Mitchel. I’m captivated by this novel. This book isabout love between Scarlet O’Hara and Red Batler, about heroism of Americanpeople during the War between South and North. The plot is very interesting. Ican read this book twice. This is a great book and I would recommend it toeveryone.

2. Ведение дискуссии.(Высказывания учащихся).

T.      And now I offer you to take part inthis discussion and say your opinions about the problem which touched upon oneJohn in his letter. I think we try to convince them that reading is important.Who wants to start?

P1  Well I like to read. Books help us to discover new things, tell us a lotabout plants and animals, lives of famous people.

T.         Andwhat about you? What do you think, is reading important?

P2  I Think reading is important because books can tell us a lot aboutinteresting things, the arts and fashion. Books help to educate, discover newthings. Books make us feel good. And most of all it is the perfect way toentertain oneself.

T.         Thankyou. Well, most teenagers have different opinions on reading. Some of them liketo read, others don’t like. What’s your?

P3     I’m on the same opinion as Ruslan is. Ithink is important because books can tell us a lot about politics, latestdiscoveries, the rest of the world. Books help to learn about the world, escapefrom everyday life problems. It is the perfect way not to feel bored, not to bealone.

T.            Thankyou. Please, say what do you think?

P4      That may be true but I think reading isnot important because it takes much time, it is easier to watch TV or video. Itis more interesting to play computer games.

P5      I don’t think you are right. Reading is important.Richard Steel said: “Reading is to the mind whatexercise is to the body” and Olzhas Suleymenov said: “Reading is a vital form of communication withall mankind and wisdom of many ages.”

P6      May I? Yes, certainly. To begin with, Ilike to read. The language is good. The plot is interesting. I like the way theauthor described nature. I always read the preface of the book because there isa lot of interesting and useful information about the author and the bookitself.

P7      I want to say my opinion. I love to read.I like poetry and historical novels. Sometimes I read detective stories. Myfamily has a large home library, but sometimes I have to borrow books frompublic libraries. Not so long ago I began reading (the title of book) by…Ienjoy it. It’s a very good book. The plot is interesting. The main charactersof the book are…

T.           Well,look here. Many people spend  their freetime reading. I offer you to find out if your partner likes reading. And thenyou’ll say what does your partner like reading. (1 мин. Парная работа,У1-У2) (примерные вопросы)

-What kind of books do you likereading?

-What are your favorite authors?

-Where do you take books to read?

-Do you go the library?

-Do you read books in English?

-Do you read during your lessons?

-Do you have home library?

-What is your favorite book?

T.      May be somebody wants to say. Well (P8, P9, P10) please say us what doyour partners like to read. Will you say us What do you know about yourpartners. (У рассказывают о том, что они узнали о своём партнёре)

T.     You know, millions of books are published every year around the world.Most likely the members of discussion club from Hazel Grove High School wanted toknow which one would you recommended them to learn more about Russianliterature.

P8      I would recommend the book by Pushkin “Evgeniy Onegin”. I don’t usuallylike poetry but I really enjoyed this book. It is about love, about human’srelations. Here we can find the fine description of nature. The main charactersin the book are Tatjana, Onegin, Olga, Lensky.I particulary love reading itbecause I’m fascinated of this book.

T        You know, British like to read different books. They like to read aboutthe life of people, about love and adventure, fantastics, newspapers,magazines, comics. And may be our friends from Hazel Grove High Schoolwant to know what do your family like reading. Let us inform they about it. Maybe somebody wants to say.

Ученики 9, 10 рассказывают о том,что любят читать члены их семей.

3 Чтение с целью полногопонимания прочитанного.

T.               Isuppose you want to know what British children read. Well let’s learn. Openyour books at page 149 and read the text “What British children read.” (2 min)

На доске написать незнакомые слова:print- печатать, explain- объяснять, dream- мечта,         on the other hand- с другой стороны, boarding- school–школа-интернат.

T.                   Please,scan this text one more and then annotate it. P11, will you read your abstract.(Ученик читает свою аннотацию текста)

There are a lot of famous placesconnected with the names of British writers. They are: Stratford-upon- Avon is Shakespeare’s birthplace, Londonis connected with the names of Oscar Wilde, George Eliot, Charles Dickens.Robert Burns was born in Alloway in Scotland. But if there are somesimilar places exist in our country, say what literary places can you adviseyour foreign friend to visit.

P12       Let me. They can visit the Turgeniev  Museum.The State TurgenievMuseum was opened in the author’s nativetown of Oriol.Spasskoe Lutovinovo, where Ivan Turgenev was spent most of his life is also amuseum. The memorial department of the museum is attracted many visitors. Inthis building the interiors have been recreated to resemble the author’soriginal home. In the memorial part of the museum one can see the writer’sdesk, where his wonderful novels were written.

P13  And there is a well -known placein Russia,which knows everybody. It’s Konstantinovo.(pupil tells about Esenin)

P14       From our childhood we know the name ofAlexander Pushkin, the father of Russian letters. He was the author of over 7hundred lyric poems. He wrote also the volumes of narrative poetry, dramaticworks, short stories and made adaptations of Russian fairy tales. It was theRussian’s tragedy that Pushkin  died whenhe was only 37 years old.

P15      During literary lessons we speak aboutShakespeare. William Shakespeare is an English writer of plays, one of the mostfamous ever. Among the most famous of his plays are the tragedies of Romeo andJullet, Hamlet, King Lear, the comedies and historical plays Richard III, HenryV. Many well-known expressions come from Shakespeare. He also wrote some verygood poetry, especially the sonnets, and worked as an actor at the GlobeTheatre in London.

T.         Well,now  I can say you all like to read.Thank you for your discussion.

III Заключительный этап урока.

      Подведение итогов.

      Домашнее задание.










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